Archive for Paris

Awaken to the Guillotine!

Posted in French Travel, Paris with tags , , , , , , on February 23, 2014 by Trees

Bonjour my friends,

Many people including Parisians, are not aware that here at ‘Place de la Concorde’ was the site of the Guillotine during the French Revolution.


In the shadow of today’s Hotel de Crillon – one of the most expensive and most luxurious hotels in Paris, was once the site that locals referred to as ‘Place de la Revolution’.

Set in a blood stained field and now dark cobblestones, it was around 1794 during the ‘Reign of Terror’ that Paris mobs, thirsty for execution and bloodshed, stood in anticipation; For when the bell was rung, (a signal to release the guillotine’s handle) and the drums would stop beating, crowds stood motionless to witness the drop of a large single angled blade which lopped off the heads of Royalty and commoner alike. It’s been recorded that over 2500 people died by the dreaded guillotine just in Paris alone, including Louis XVI, his wife Maria Antoinette, Madame du Barry-mistress of Louis XV and many more, not to mention 92 year old Mary Anne Duay and the youngest victim who was merely 14.

The sound of the blade piercing soft flesh and hitting the bloody splintered wood underneath bought momentary silence (no doubt in the case of their King), then cries of “Vive la Republique!” And the crowds  would burst forward to the dripping head held high on a pole, to dip their wiry fingers and handkerchiefs into the gushing blood of a warm, decapitated head, particularly one which was blue blooded. Sometimes the mouth and eyes gave into opening and closing while the next cage of quivering victims rattled down Rue St Honore (today, the site of luxury chocolate shops) -prized victims like white circus tigers nearing extinction, from the Conciergerie Prison.

My french awakening to guillotines went haywire when I learnt that the last death by guillotine was in 1977!  The same year that Apple released its first computer with keyboard, the same year that Elvis Presley died, the same year that Barbie Road Trip with Motor Home goes into toyshops.

Paris….always raw.


Therese Waddell

copyright@2014 Therese Waddell


Awaken to the Closure of Le Rouvray Fabric Shop, Paris

Posted in French fabrics, French Quilts, Paris, Paris Shopping, Therese Waddell's Quilts with tags , , , , , , on February 9, 2014 by Trees

Bonjour friends!

For those of us who do some quilting, I have some sad news. It is with deep regret to inform you that the beautiful Paris fabric shop across from the foot of Notre Dame, ‘Le Rouvray’, which many of you have used, is now closed. After 45 years of patchwork and adventure in Paris, the lovely owner and co founder, Diane Obaldia passed away some time ago now and Le Rouvray has closed its doors for good.

Before her death, Diana wrote to me a expressing great interest in ‘My French Awakening’ and the article I did on her shop at:

Good business deserves acclamation I’ve always thought and Le Rouvray was no exception. Diana was “touched and dazzled” by the article (which I felt was by no means brilliant) but beckoned “come have lunch with me” and that’s the kind of lady she was. No wonder her shop was filled with beautiful fabrics and beautiful service from quietly passionate people. Diana and her team made for a very successful business and above all, a business of friendship building. Well, that’s how I see it anyway.

I shall always regret not being able to share that meal with Diana Obaldia and hearing about her road to success and adventures in Paris. It would have made a much better story than the one I told.

What was your experience in Le Rouvray?

Best Wishes,

AuRevoir, Therese

copyright@2014Therese Waddell


Awaken to Chocolatiers in France

Posted in Chocolate Shops in Paris, Food and Recipes, French Travel, Paris, Paris Shopping, Therese Waddell's Chocolate Art and Facebook Page with tags , , , , , , , on December 10, 2013 by Trees

Bonjour everyone,

One of the very best things to do in Paris is to go chocolate hunting. Like jewels in the crown, chocolatiers are dotted around the city of Light, breathing aroma and gorgeous chocolatey creations in a rich tradition of expertise.

When we were kids, treasure hunting for sweets in unexpected places was great fun. Some of us (you know who always cheated)  became really deft at discovery, but these days when the back drop is Paris and the prize is couverture chocolate, it makes the game so much better! I’ve hunted down and tasted some of the world’s best chocolates from the hands of the best chocolatiers in Paris. My French Awakening hopes you may find the list of chocolate shops in Paris helpful when you visit. It’s just the tip of the ice berg but it makes for a great day when sightseeing.

1. Patrick Roger- Number ONE on my list, residing at 108 Boulevard, Saint Germain and several others shops across Pars.(see his website below).

This bearded bad boy is totally unconventional from the rest of chocolatiers… an extraordinary chocolate sculptor, artisan and motorbike rider all in one! No wonder he has chocolate which is so earthy and herbal! He’s a creator of insanely different flavour combos and new taste sensations. Even OUTSIDE,  his shop windows alone will captivate you, with his over sized chocolate creatures. Apes, drinking Hippos and waddling hens  in glorious detail, reflecting his superb mastery of an age old craft bought to the contemporary platform with wild humour. Something rings in my own heart here.

Many of you don’t know but MY OWN passion is chocolate. Really. Working with chocolate is like nothing else. My French Awakening will give you a sneek peep of my chocolate sculpturing ….doing what I love (besides writing about France…)

IMG_2705 - Version 2

IMG_3790 (1)

IMG_3725IMG_3780IMG_2709DSC_0064 (1).

My new FACEBOOK PAGE  at:  shows you more of my work and contact. I would really appreciate you LIKING the page and a very big thankyou to all those who have generously done so already and/or ordered a celebration cake with chocolate work. Your comments as well only make for better business. If you would like a spectacular cake for a special occasion contact me here or on my facebook page! I would love to make you something extroadinary!

But back to Patrick Roger….He really encourages the public to go out back of his shop and taste test to constantly keep in touch with today’s changing palette. His umbilical cord to the public is uncommonly tight even though he works unconventionally with great freedom and little constraints. There is no arrogance here which some other chocolatiers aerate.

My French Awakening refers to Patrick Roger as Le Willie Wonker du Chocolat for Patrick works outside the chocolate square. You must try his pralines if nothing else. They’ll tingle all your senses…and that’s why he’s my unquestionable  hero in the chocolate world.

Check out his world of eight Paris addresses at and you’ll see what I mean. While you’re doing so, try this….


The other chocolate shops in Paris on my list are not in any divine order but are WELL WORTH VISITING. It includes:-

2. Michael Chaudun- also a talented chocolate sculptor producing whimsical pieces at 149 Rue Université, 75007 Paris. A lovely  gentle soul who loves his work and you can tell when you walk in the shop. There’s a friendly warm air here dotted with plenty of oohs and arhhs as we spot replica European sausages hanging from the ceiling, stylish chocolate stilettos and faberge eggs amongst a classic repertoire of  glossy chocolates including his fabulous pave.

3. Jean Paul Hevin at 231 Rue St Honore. He’s been at it for a very long time and has taken out numerous conventional awards along the way, offering high end, precisional chocolate with some Asian inspired tastes. No wonder he’s opened up in Japan. Website at:

4. La Maison Du Chocolate at 225 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. Here you’ll find wonderful, creamy ganaches. Website at:


5. Pierre Herme – 39 Avenue de l’Opéra and 185 Rue de Vaugirard and 72 Rue Bonaparte, Paris at

6. Michel Cluizel- originally from Normandy has his shop at 201 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris at

7. Godiva-237 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris.Found at


where executive chef (chemist to chocolatier), Thierry Muret makes gorgeous chocolates at Godiva.


8. Christian Constant- author of two award winning books on Chocolate and a fine chocolate maker at:

Of course there are many, many more. Now that you know my passion, what’s yours? 

What’s YOUR favourite chocolate shop in Paris?



Copyright@ Therese Waddell 2014

Awaken To Angelinas, Paris

Posted in Food and Recipes, French Patisserie, French Travel, Paris, Paris Shopping with tags , , , , , , , on June 17, 2013 by Trees

Bonjour mon amis,

Yes, it’s been a while and as you know I’ve taken THAT trip to France…from Paris to Provence and I’M DYING TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. But first, how have you been my dear friends? What’s happening in your lives? I’ve heard from many of you while I’ve been away and the wheels of life are turning in all directions but there’s one thing we always seem to have time for…and that’s France. That’s why we’re here really.

So I’m going to take you on another journey with me.

And it all began in Paris.

Sitting pretty under the arch which lines Rue de Rivoli, there resides a very old French establishment blushing royal purple and brown and trimmed with fine gold frills like some Grand Duchess. With her carriage outside,


one would swear like a commoner that she was all too perfect and particular to encourage private audiences… but I would be wrong.


The minute you brush pass her golden roped barriers outside and step ever so cautiously onto the red carpet welcome into Angelinas, you will be pleasantly surprised that you actually feel right at home here, despite her precious exterior.


I was instantly welcomed with a warm, sweet hug of recently baked cakes and pastries and a cup of hot chocolate, rich and thick enough to cement even a broken heart.


It felt just like a trip to my nans as a kid on our Sunday visits, that would prompt the same knee jerk reaction of releasing the fine bone china out of the cupboards and set her about in an aproned whimsy to check her batch of scones. Albeit, Angelinas- the Paris Shrine To Pastry And Flaky Sweetness and the meeting place for devout gourmands, is by chance a tad more detailed in its selection of cakes…


With her embellished Rum Baba glaze over sponge…


and sunshine yellow Tarte Citron popping with mathematically precision cloned marshmallows. Then there are Mont Blanc art pieces piped with meringue under a mound of vermicelli chestnut …


I recall nan’s colour palette was a touch more conservative compared to Angelinas…



and perhaps the interior of Angelina’s is not quite nan’s decor… Image

but the warmth and aroma and long conversations with angelic people who are kind and generous, knowledgeable and dedicated…


will make you feel just as welcome.

Angelinas at 226 Rue de Rivoli, Paris, made me feel right at home and only the best holiday destinations do that. Why don’t you drop in to Angelinas? The Grand Duchess makes a perfect gesture for you in Paris.

She’ll always put the kettle on.


Best Wishes, Therese

copyright@ 2013 Therese Waddell

Awaken to a New Year in France

Posted in East of France, French Affair, French Travel, Paris, South West of France with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 23, 2012 by Trees

Bonjour lovelies,

Well, well,… Christmas has come and gone and look at us, smack bang in the middle of a new year! Bonne Annee mon amis! We have a new beginning to continue the same life as last year or introduce something new. I know it’s difficult for some of you to get out of the routine for many reasons but I’m asking you to just contemplate an alternate road or patch of grass or another window of opportunity and HOLD that thought.

Can you imagine yourself here on french grass in Flavigny perhaps, in the heart of Burgundy?

(You do remember my escapades on the trek for more than chocolate? go to )

or take a peep down any one of the country roads you could be driving through on your next France adventure…

or look out from some other window- a french window. Come on! My french awakening sees no harm in discovering a new view which is very different from the one you’re seeing now perhaps?

Life is sometimes greener on the other side particularly if you’re travelling through the south of France…

or the north east corner…  (remember Colmar? )

or from this window in the east, at Quemigny-sur-Seine, France…

and more views from country France from modern frames…

and ancient ones in eighth century stone as at Mont St Michel (remember Awaken to Mont St Michel? See )

And if you fancy yourself as more of a city mouse than a country mouse, you might appreciate looking out from the windows behind wrought iron balconies in Paris…

Or from that very special window in a beautiful french village in between.

The view’s not bad from here.

Just imagine.

Give France a thought this year. It won’t disappoint.

Au revoir,

Best Wishes, Therese Waddell

copyright@Therese Waddell 2012

Awaken to a Paris Sky

Posted in French Gardens, French Travel, Paris, Paris gardens and all things green with tags , , , , , , on October 1, 2011 by Trees

Bonjour my friends,

It HAS been a while. I hope you’re exactly as I left you last month as good things never change and you good people remain so from day to day, month to month and every year on. However, I hope you’re feeling good even though we feel the throb of busyness and a grinding ache for halcyon days at times.

My french awakening learned a long time ago that Paris, the fabulous City of Lights, can be what you want it to be and apart from bringing you stimulation and inspiration at an elevated level, it can actually bring you great peace…if you are looking.

Not a lot of people look for peace when travelling through Paris. They’re too engrossed buzzing about in a whirlwind of buying, snapping, smiling into cameras and ticking off formidable lists of places to see and do. Yes, queue with tour groups if you must but at least once and a while take the alternate route and set your own pace. Hit the grass and brace yourself to just take in the air.

Why? Well for one thing, having just finished reading Kathryrn Stockett’s book, ‘The Help’-

(some of you may have recently seen the film of the same title), I came away with a conclusive quote of impassioned wisdom which I thought I’d pass onto good people like yourselves.

…”‘You is kind. You is smart. You is important…”

Three very deserving reasons why we should lay low and just look to the sky when in Paris. Take a worm’s eye view of a Paris sky and embark on your green island in any one of the Paris Gardens to soak up some tres chic air and recapture the space we need and feel.

What does that feel like? I’m glad you asked…

You probably already know that Paris has been historically a city where many Peace Treaties have been signed for the benefit of mankind. The Treaty of Peace in Paris (way back in 1783) ended the American Revolutionary War with Great Britain and The Paris Peace Accords was signed to end the Vietnam War in 1973. There’s a whole lot more peace since then.

Just goes to prove that a slice of Paris peace couldn’t do you any harm at all.

Au Revoir,

Best Wishes until next time,

Therese Waddell

copyright@2011 Therese Waddell

Awaken To French Ice Cream

Posted in Food and Recipes, French Travel, Paris, Paris Shopping with tags , , , , on August 7, 2011 by Trees

Bonjour to you,

I have only one pearl of wisdom for you beautiful people today.

The topic? French Ice Cream.

My advice? If I were you travelling through France, don’t leave the country without trying French Ice Cream. Like me, you won’t care if it’s Winter, wait and see…

French ice cream (or creme glace) according to my french awakening tastebuds, will excite and soothe at the same time. Made of egg yolks,  it’s truly distinct. Velvety cold and creamy on the tongue with a glorious frangrant hit of vanilla after the first few licks.

You MUST try French ice cream. For a couple of euros, ignore the cholesterol and take time to build some gustative memories!

The first ice cream recipe in France dates back to 1674. Nowadays, Berthillon ice cream is regarded as one of the best in France. The original ice creamery is still located on the Ille St Louis in Paris. (Take the metro to St Paul or Pont Marie). It continues to sell wonderful fruity flavours including apple, raspberry, pear, orange,strawberry, blackcurrant, mandarin, lychee, lemon, grapefruit, peach and so on. Their sorbets are equally diverse and fabulous. The same goes for the exceptional Tea Rooms next door which is run by Berthillon’s grand daughter.

The last time I was in line, rhubarb sorbet was very popular but I myself can’t go past plain vanille. It never disappoints! A testament to Raymond Berthillon’s expertise afterall he’s been making my vanilla ice cream every day for the last 57 years and continues to do so today at the magnificent age of 82! Wow! 57 years of ice cream making! What an achievement!

One day I should like to meet the father of my vanilla ice cream.

Don’t be discouraged by the long queue outside the shop. Great things take time! I promise you it will be worth it. Wonderful ice cream in Summer or in the depths of a Paris Winter.

The location to the shop may help you here:

There are many other shops dotted across France which sell the Berthillon brand. If you don’t get to taste theirs, try any ice creamery, such as the one at the base of Mont Saint Michel. That’s where my photo was taken. And that’s where the gustative memories began.

Mmmm. I can taste it even now.

Au revoir,

Best Wishes, Therese Waddell

Not yet subscribed to ‘My French Awakening? Sign up for your free subscription and we’ll send you info on French news and places to see and do across France with stories and photography.

copyright@2011 Therese Waddell


Awaken to Paris Cafes

Posted in Food and Recipes, French Affair, French Cafes, Paris, Paris Shopping with tags , , , on March 8, 2011 by Trees

Bonjour everyone,

It’s very simple. If you don’t want to pay big money in the City of Lights, there’s a whole host of inexpensive cafes, bars and tea rooms that you can enjoy just as much. If you’re out and about shopping and sightseeing this beautiful city, a simple sandwich or salade and coffee at any one of the smaller cafes may be all that it takes to rejuvenate the energies and propel you back into the pulse of Paris rhythm.

I propose ‘Doreen Cafe and Tea Room” at 12 Rue de Caumartin in the 9th arrondissment. This street has been around for a very long time. It was originally opened by  Antoine-Louis Lefebvre de Caumartin (Marquis of Saint Ange) in 1779.

My french awakening to ‘Doreen Cafe’ was initially surprising given that it is my mother’s name. The genetic pull was instant and I felt certain she would not only like seeing her name embellished on the glass of  the Parisien cafe window but also that “her establishment” offers a nice spot for a sweet rendezvous in Paris.

In busier hours, you may even have to share a table out on the terrace…

and who knows who you may rub shoulders against? Perhaps one day you’ll see my mother looking divinely elegant sipping tea.

Enjoy yourself there.

I know my mother would.

Au Revoir,

Best Wishes, Therese

copyright@2011Therese Waddell


Awaken to Paris Sights/French Models

Posted in French Affair, French Travel, Paris, Paris Shopping with tags , , , , on February 16, 2011 by Trees

Bonjour everyone,

A short post today to greet you- I hope it’s not too early in the day to show you some French models…

Go to

to put a smile on your face. Unexpected things happen in Paris.

Have a great day everybody!

Best Wishes, Therese

copyright@2011 Therese Waddell

Awaken to French Restaurants

Posted in Food and Recipes, French Affair, Paris with tags , , , , , , on February 9, 2011 by Trees

Bonjour everyone,

If you’re lucky enough to be in the heart of Paris and thinking of where to eat (well why wouldn’t you be?) I have a good recommendation, so do yourself a favour and book into the cosy little French restaurant ‘Chez Paul’ at 13 Rue de Charonne. Almost forty years old, it’s located in the Bastille district of the old Paris at the busy corner of Rue de Lappe.

To get things straight, ‘Chez Paul’ is not lavishly decorated nor sophisticated by any stretch of the imagination but it has a very homey feel to it and that’s what makes it so charming! It’s really just like going to grandma’s place. Undeniable clutter and photographs hanging on aged walls in ‘Chez Paul’ tell tales of bygone days of Paris and on closer inspection are usually off centred. Of course, some of you (hopefully only a few) will have the sudden desire to straighten them as you do back home once you’ve perused the interior before being seated. Try not to here. In summer, eat at a table outside if you’re tempted to do so.

Inside, you’ll discover that seats are close and intimate. Just like at home. Be prepared to be caught in conversation with those around you during the course of an evening and recognise now that these impromptu liasons with the locals can make for a truly friendly ambience. I love that! Yes, ‘Chez Paul’ attracts more locals than tourists which is always a great sign for me to eat there! I have met some amazing characters here and my french awakening has been broadened by the experience!

Red chequered tablecloths and lace window treatments, a bustling stream of waiters swooshing along black and white tiled flooring, earthy wooden appointments which reek of history, all add up to a quintessential Parisian experience.

Their menu, as large as The Deeds of The Estate, has been handled a zillion times and more, with pages curled and browning at the edges with mostly hand written amended details. This document, foody in detail, could retell many stories and unlock the key to a superb dining experience without the formality of a Michelin star restaurant. From your cosy seat, it won’t take you long to soak in the family spirit of the place.

Eric Teyant, Alain Viel and Daniel Daussin (chefs and patissier) have to be congratulated for their fine culninary efforts, producing amazing aromas which waft towards your table from the kitchen.

There’s a huge array of delicious french food cooked to perfection to appease any appetite. Relish the choices between homemade pate, creamy risotto and duck breast, onion soup, traditional esgargots, rabbit with rosemary, herring, smoked sausages, eggs all ways, even a ‘crazy salad with foie gras’ and so much more! Take a peep at some pages of their menu…

A tasting of their house desserts are just as memorable! For wine choice, ‘Chez Paul’ will accompany any dish with a nice selection of bordeaux wines which definately made my french awakening that much sweeter.

Good value for money and substantial servings, ‘Chez Paul’ offers  guests a real taste of authentic and traditional cuisine within an unpretentious atmosphere like home. It’s surrounded by some great little late night bars too. Is this the reason for my blurred photo? (sorry)

Your ‘Chez Paul’ experience can easily be a real highlight to your stay in the City of Light.

This restaurant is a treasure. For bookings contact

That reminds me, what was your last memorable French meal?

Au Revoir,

Best Wishes, Therese Waddell

Copyright@2011 Therese Waddell